Портал THERMOPHYSICS.RUJIHT.RU - ОИВТ РАННациональный комитет по теплофизическим свойствам веществ
Тематика документов на портале охватывает основные разделы теплофизики, включая техническую термодинамику, теплофизические свойства веществ и материалов, тепломассообмен, и т.п. Конкретный выбор ресурсов и сервисов ориентирован на подготовку в российской высшей школе специалистов по теплоэнергетике и теплотехнике и соответствует сложившимся традициям преподавания в МЭИ. Портал разработан в рамках совместной программы «Интеграция фундаментальной науки и высшей школы» с участием ОИВТ РАН и МЭИ и функционирует с 2003 года.


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    Категория: НАУКА /3. Депозитарий научных работ

  • НАУКА /3. Депозитарий научных работ

  •   Историческая реликвия – текст статьи Ван дер Вальса «Закон соответственных состояний» (1912 г.).

    Историческая реликвия – текст статьи Ван дер Вальса
    «Закон соответственных состояний» (1912 г.).

    Оцифровка текста из журнала Proceedings of the Royal Netherland Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
    Digital library of the Dutch History of Science Web Center, 2010

    PDF-file с графическим изображением текста

      В. А. Давыдов, Л. С. Кашеварова, А. В. Рахманина, А. В. Дзябченко, В. М. Сенявин, В. Н. Агафонов. Полимерные фазы высокого давления фуллерена С60: синтез, идентификация, исследование свойств.
    Данная работа посвящена изучению одного из типов этих углеродных материалов - полимерных фаз С60, образующихся в результате реакций 2+2 циклоприсоединения молекул фуллерена.
    При постановке данной работы особое внимание было уделено методам синтеза качественных однофазных образцов кристаллических полимерных фаз фуллерена и их идентификации. В задачу идентификации входило определение как молекулярного фракционного состава и молекулярной структуры полимеров С60, так и структуры их упаковок. Исследования полимерных состояний проводили по данным рентгеноструктурного анализа, колебательных спектров (ИК- и КР-спектроскопия) и путем теоретического моделирования кристаллических фаз на базе молекулярных упаковок различных типов полимеров С60.

      W. Wagnera and A. Pruß The IAPWS Formulation 1995 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance for General and Scientific Use
    In 1995, the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam ~IAPWS! adopted a new formulation called ‘‘The IAPWS Formulation 1995 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance for General and Scientific Use’’, which we abbreviate to IAPWS-95 formulation or IAPWS-95 for short. This IAPWS-95 formulation replaces the previous formulation adopted in 1984. This work provides information on the selected experimental data of the thermodynamic properties of water used to develop the new formulation, but information is also given on newer data. The article presents all details of the IAPWS-95 formulation, which is in the form of a fundamental equation explicit in the Helmholtz free energy. The function for the residual part of the Helmholtz free energy was fitted to selected data for the following properties: ~a! thermal properties of the single-phase region (prT) and of the vapor–liquid phase boundary (psr 8r 9T), including the phase-equilibrium condition ~Maxwell criterion!, and ~b! the caloric properties specific isochoric heat capacity, specific isobaric heat capacity, speed of sound, differences in the specific enthalpy and in the specific internal energy, Joule– Thomson coefficient, and isothermal throttling coefficient. By applying modern strategies for optimizing the functional form of the equation of state and for the simultaneous nonlinear fitting to the data of all mentioned properties, the resulting IAPWS-95 formulation covers a validity range for temperatures from the melting line ~lowest temperature 251.2 K at 209.9 MPa! to 1273 K and pressures up to 1000 MPa. In this entire range of validity, IAPWS-95 represents even the most accurate data to within their experimental uncertainty. In the most important part of the liquid region, the estimated uncertainty of IAPWS-95 ranges from 60.001% to 60.02% in density, 60.03% to 60.2% in speed of sound, and 60.1% in isobaric heat capacity. In the liquid region at ambient pressure, IAPWS-95 is extremely accurate in density ~uncertainty <60.0001%! and in speed of sound ~60.005%!.

      Transport Coefficients for the NASA Lewis Chemical Equilibrium Program. Roger A. Svehla. April 1995

    GLTRS This report documents the new transport property data that will be used in the NASA Lewis Research Centers Chemical Equilibrium and Applications Program (CEA). It complements a previous publication that documented the thermodynamic and transport property data then in use. Sources of the data and a brief description of the method by which the data were obtained are given. Coefficients to calculate the viscosity, thermal conductivity, and binary interactions are given for either one, or usually, two temperature intervals, typically 300 to 1000 K and 1000 to 5000 K. The form of the transport equation is the same as used previously. The number of species was reduced from the previous database. Many species for which the data were estimated were eliminated from the database. Some ion-neutral interactions were added.

    Available electronically at http://gltrs.grc.nasa.gov/GLTRS

      The Viscosity and Self-Diffusion of Rarefied Steam:Refinement of Reference Data. L. R. Fokin and A. N. Kalashnikov
    Авторы публикации – Фокин Л.Р., Калашников А.Н.

    Новые экспериментальные данные по вязкости разреженного водяного пара подтверждают предсказательную способность использования модифицированного (m:6:3) потенциала Штокмайера. Проведена совместная обработка данных по вязкости и коэффициенту самодиффузии пара в диапазоне температур от 280 до 1400 К и рассчитаны уточненные таблицы справочных данных для указанных свойств.

      S.Ganesh Prakash, R.Ravi, R.P.Chhabra Corresponding states theory and transport coefficients of liquid metals
    A study of the applicability of CST towards predicting transport coefficients in liquid metals has been undertaken with particular emphasis on alkali metals. Characteristic parameters were obtained from six different first principles calculations of inter-ionic potentials of simple metals reported in the literature. A wide variation was observed in the characteristic parameters as reported by various authors. Among these, the potential parameters of Shyu et al. provided the best correlation of experimental diffusivity and viscosity data for alkali metals over moderate temperature ranges. However, use of the Goldschmidt diameter as the characteristic distance parameter and kBTm, where Tm is the melting temperature, as the characteristic energy parameter gave as good, if not better, results for alkali metals. This parameter set was not found to be satisfactory when non-alkali metals were also included. Chapman’s characteristic parameters, obtained from a fit to the viscosity data, provided a reasonable correlation of the diffusivity data to most, but not all metals studied. Fundamental issues associated with attempting to group all liquid metals under a single corresponding states theory as well with the conventional use of the potential well-depth and the distance at which the potential becomes zero as characteristic parameters for liquid metals have been pointed out. A preliminary statistical analysis has been performed to assess the reliability of our predictions in view of the experimental uncertainties in viscosity and diffusivity data.

      Review of Techniques for Thermophysical Property. Kenneth C. MiIls, Lee Courtney, Robert F. Brooks and Brian J. Monaghan
    The methods available for the measurements of the following thermophysical properties of high temperature melts are reviewed viz. density, viscosity, surface tension, heat capacity, enthalpy, thermal diffusivity and conductivity, electrical conductivity and emissivity. The methods are illustrated with reference to work carried out on molten silicon. In order to combat contamination of the melt from container/sample reactions there has been a gradual switch to the use of (i) containerless methods employing various forms of levitation or microgravity (drop towers, parabolic flights and space experiments) and (ii) sub-second rapid heating and other non-intrusive techniques. However, there are other equally-important conditions which must be addressed to obtain accurate property values, e.g. the control of oxygen partial pressure in surface tension measurements and the selection of the most reliable method to analyse data. It is our contention that equal attention should be given to these problems.

      Radim Mares and Jana Kalova . Thermophysical Properties Converted from Data and Equations Based on Old Temperature Scales
    Доклад на 15 Международной конференции по свойствам воды и водяного пара

    Thermophysical properties measured before 1990 are based on obsolete temperature scales. In spite of great progress of experimental technique, there are data measured before 1990 that are still considered as very precious. In similar way it is with correlations of old but reliable thermophysical data. The only change of a parameter, as critical temperature, does not guarantee a correct approach to the right conversion. Comparison of values from an equation based on obsolete temperature scale with a new equation calculated for the same numerical values of temperature gives comparison at two different thermal states. There are thermophysical properties the temperature conversion of which depends on derivatives of equation converting an old temperature scale to the new one. Specific heat capacity, coefficient of thermal conductivity etc. could serve as examples of such properties. Complicated situation is with such properties as entropy and properties derived from it. The paper brings discussion of examples of temperature conversion of experimental data and equations as well.

      New International Formulation for the Thermal Conductivity of H2O

    Международная ассоциация по свойствам воды и водяного пара (IAPWS) провела интенсивную работу по ревизии прежних документов по теплопроводности, что завершилось принятием формуляции 2011 года. Статья в последнем выпуске журнала J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data детально описывает разработку формуляции, которая содержит корреляционные уравнения для воды от температуры плавления до 1173 К при давлении до 1000 МПа. Неопределенность данных колеблется от 1 до 6% в зависимости от области параметров.

    Текст статьи из журнала
    Формуляция IAPWS от 2011

      Fundamental Equations of State for Parahydrogen, Normal Hydrogen, and Orthohydrogen

    (J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2009)
    J. W. Leachman, R. T Jacobsen, S. G. Penoncello, E. W. Lemmon

    If the potential for a boom in the global hydrogen economy is realized, there will be an increase in the need for accurate hydrogen thermodynamic property standards. Based on current and anticipated needs, new fundamental equations of state for parahydrogen, normal hydrogen, and orthohydrogen were developed to replace the existing property models. To accurately predict thermophysical properties near the critical region and in liquid states, the quantum law of corresponding states was applied to improve the normal hydrogen and orthohydrogen formulations in the absence of available experimental data. All three equations of state have the same maximum pressure of 2000 MPa and upper temperature limit of 1000 K. Uncertainty estimates in this paper can be considered to be estimates of a combined expanded uncertainty with a coverage factor of 2 for primary data sets. The uncertainty in density is 0.04% in the region between 250 and 450 K and at pressures up to 300 MPa. The uncertainties of vapor pressures and saturated liquid densities vary from 0.1% to 0.2%. Heat capacities are generally estimated to be accurate to within 1%, while speed-of-sound values are accurate to within 0.5% below 100 MPa.

    текст статьи

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