Портал THERMOPHYSICS.RUJIHT.RU - ОИВТ РАННациональный комитет по теплофизическим свойствам веществ
Тематика документов на портале охватывает основные разделы теплофизики, включая техническую термодинамику, теплофизические свойства веществ и материалов, тепломассообмен, и т.п. Конкретный выбор ресурсов и сервисов ориентирован на подготовку в российской высшей школе специалистов по теплоэнергетике и теплотехнике и соответствует сложившимся традициям преподавания в МЭИ. Портал разработан в рамках совместной программы «Интеграция фундаментальной науки и высшей школы» с участием ОИВТ РАН и МЭИ и функционирует с 2003 года.


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· Техническая термодинамика    · Теплофизические свойства веществ
· Тепломассобмен    · Механика жидкостей и газов
· Топливо и его подготовка на ТЭС    · Свойства водных растворов, используемых на ТЭС
· Конструкционные материалы    · Информационные технологии
· Теплотехнический эксперимент    · Наноматериалы и нанотехнологии


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    По всем категориям

      THERMAM 2018


    Первое информационное сообщение

    Категория : НОВОСТИ /1. Конференции и семинары

      THERMAM 2015

     THERMAM2015 В 2015 году в Баку (Азербайджан) намечено проведение очередной конференции по теплофизическим свойствам перспективных материалов и 4й Ростокский симпозиум по теплофизическим свойствам для технической термодинамики.

    Официальное название объявленных мероприятий



    Дата и место проведения: 17 - 18 September 2015
    Azerbaijan Technical University
    Huseyn Javid Avn.25
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Категория : НОВОСТИ /1. Конференции и семинары

      Thermal Expansion of High Temperature Materials Oscar H. Krikorian

    University of California
    Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
    Livermore, California

    Thermal Expansion of High Temperature Materials
    Oscar H. Krikorian

    Отчет UCRL-6132 (1960 года) сдержит компиляцию высокотемпературных данных по тепловому расширению чистых веществ. Результаты представлены в виде данных для процентного линейного расширения относительно длины образца при 25 С. Среднее линейное расширение соответствует примерно 1/3 от объемного расширения. Компиляция включает данные для химических элементов, боридов, карбидов, силицидов, нитридов, оксидов.

    Текст отчета


      The Viscosity and Self-Diffusion of Rarefied Steam:Refinement of Reference Data. L. R. Fokin and A. N. Kalashnikov
    Авторы публикации – Фокин Л.Р., Калашников А.Н.

    Новые экспериментальные данные по вязкости разреженного водяного пара подтверждают предсказательную способность использования модифицированного (m:6:3) потенциала Штокмайера. Проведена совместная обработка данных по вязкости и коэффициенту самодиффузии пара в диапазоне температур от 280 до 1400 К и рассчитаны уточненные таблицы справочных данных для указанных свойств.

    Категория : НАУКА /3. Депозитарий научных работ

      Tenth International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design , May 16-21, 2004 Snowbird, Utah, USA, PPEPPD 2004

    4aa International Organizing Committee Chair: Carol Hall, North Carolina State University, USA
    Vice Chair: Peter Cummings, Vanderbilt University and Oak Ridge National Laboratories, USA
    Vice Chair: Joe Golab, BP Chemicals America, USA
    Vice Chair: John O’Connell, University of Virginia, USA
    Mauricio Futran, Bristol Myers Squibb, USA
    Keith Gubbins, North Carolina State University, USA
    Hiroshi Inomata, Tohoku University, Japan Sangtae Kim, Eli Lilly and Company, USA
    Ludo Kleintjens, DSM, The Netherlands
    Koichiro Nakanishi, Kurashiki University of Science and Arts (retired), Japan
    Doros Theodorou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
    Tyler Thompson, Dow, USA
    Costa Tsonopoulos, ExxonMobil (retired), USA

    The Program
    The conference will consist of oral sessions, poster sessions, and workshops. To mark the occasion of the tenth conference we will be focussing on the big picture in thermodynamics research today. Invited speakers are being asked to give an overview of their subject with the goal of educating the participants, as well as stimulating them to become engaged in forefront problems. Topical areas include molecular simulation, statistical thermodynamics, phase equilibria and physical properties, phase transitions and others. The focus is not only on products and processes traditionally related to the oil, gas and chemical industry but also on products and processes related to pharmaceuticals, foods, materials and biotechnology.

    Категория : НОВОСТИ /1. Конференции и семинары


    Simulis Thermodynamics компании ProSim –это мощная современная программная система расчета теплофизических свойств и фазовых равновесий, рассчитывающая широкий круг продуктов на современной методической основе. Разработчик системы фирма ProSim – основанная в 1989 году независимая компания со штаб-квартирой в Тулузе (Франция). Она разрабатывает самое современное программное обеспечение для моделирования и оптимизации технологических процессов.



    A.T. Dinsdale

    NPL Materials Centre,
    Division of Industry and Innovation,
    National Physical Laboratory,
    Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LW, UK

    Thermodynamic data for the condensed phases of 78 elements as currently used by SGTE (Scientific Group Thermodata Europe) are tabulated. SGTE is a consortium of twelve organisations, mainly in Western Europe, engaged in the compilation of a comprehensive, self-consistent and authoritative thermochemical database for inorganic and metallurgical systems. These data are a revision of an earlier publication (91din) which has been used throughout the world as the foundation for the critical assessment of thermodynamic data for binary, ternary and quaternary systems and ultimately of commercial databases for use in modelling materials properties and industrial processes. Since this publication it has been necessary to modify data for some phases of elements in the light of experience and recent experimental work and to extend the range of phases covered for a number of elements. This new publication supercedes this earlier publication.

    The data for each phase of each element considered are presented as expressions showing, as a function of temperature, the variation of (a) G-HSER, the Gibbs energy relative to the enthalpy of the "Standard Element Reference" ie the reference phase for the element at 298.15 K and, where appropriate, 1 Pa, and (b) the difference in Gibbs energy between each phase and this reference phase (ie lattice stability). The variation of the heat capacity of the various phases and the Gibbs energy difference between phases are also shown graphically. For certain elements the thermodynamic data have been assessed as a function of pressure as well as temperature. Where appropriate a temperature - pressure phase diagram is also shown.

    Текст справочника


      Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements, by John W. Arblaster

    Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements, by John W. Arblaster

    ASM International Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002

    A unique and comprehensive review on the crystallographic properties of all of the elements. A general reference book for metallurgists and crystallographers. The book evaluates the crystallographic properties of all of the elements at ambient pressure in order to provide a base line for high pressure studies. The book presents lattice parameters of the elements as a function of temperature. It also provides related properties, for example, thermal expansion coefficients, molar volumes and densities. This book is the first to include this data for all of the elements; it condenses all of the data in to a single volume with special attention given to ensure that the selected values correspond to the latest values of atomic weights and the fundamental constants.

    The author, John Arblaster, spent his career as a metallurgical chemist analysing a wide variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys in a number of commercial laboratories. He first became interested in crystallography in order to solve the dispute over whether osmium or iridium was the densest metal in the room temperature region. He showed, by proper application of up to date input data, that it was in fact osmium. He then produced comprehensive reviews on the crystallographic properties of the six platinum group of metals and has now extended this work to all of the elements.

    Содержание книги и введение


      S.Ganesh Prakash, R.Ravi, R.P.Chhabra Corresponding states theory and transport coefficients of liquid metals
    A study of the applicability of CST towards predicting transport coefficients in liquid metals has been undertaken with particular emphasis on alkali metals. Characteristic parameters were obtained from six different first principles calculations of inter-ionic potentials of simple metals reported in the literature. A wide variation was observed in the characteristic parameters as reported by various authors. Among these, the potential parameters of Shyu et al. provided the best correlation of experimental diffusivity and viscosity data for alkali metals over moderate temperature ranges. However, use of the Goldschmidt diameter as the characteristic distance parameter and kBTm, where Tm is the melting temperature, as the characteristic energy parameter gave as good, if not better, results for alkali metals. This parameter set was not found to be satisfactory when non-alkali metals were also included. Chapman’s characteristic parameters, obtained from a fit to the viscosity data, provided a reasonable correlation of the diffusivity data to most, but not all metals studied. Fundamental issues associated with attempting to group all liquid metals under a single corresponding states theory as well with the conventional use of the potential well-depth and the distance at which the potential becomes zero as characteristic parameters for liquid metals have been pointed out. A preliminary statistical analysis has been performed to assess the reliability of our predictions in view of the experimental uncertainties in viscosity and diffusivity data.

    Категория : НАУКА /3. Депозитарий научных работ

      Review of Techniques for Thermophysical Property. Kenneth C. MiIls, Lee Courtney, Robert F. Brooks and Brian J. Monaghan
    The methods available for the measurements of the following thermophysical properties of high temperature melts are reviewed viz. density, viscosity, surface tension, heat capacity, enthalpy, thermal diffusivity and conductivity, electrical conductivity and emissivity. The methods are illustrated with reference to work carried out on molten silicon. In order to combat contamination of the melt from container/sample reactions there has been a gradual switch to the use of (i) containerless methods employing various forms of levitation or microgravity (drop towers, parabolic flights and space experiments) and (ii) sub-second rapid heating and other non-intrusive techniques. However, there are other equally-important conditions which must be addressed to obtain accurate property values, e.g. the control of oxygen partial pressure in surface tension measurements and the selection of the most reliable method to analyse data. It is our contention that equal attention should be given to these problems.

    Категория : НАУКА /3. Депозитарий научных работ

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  • Техническая термодинамика

  • Теплофизические свойства веществ

  • Тепломассобмен

  • Механика жидкостей и газов

  • Топливо и его подготовка на ТЭС

  • Свойства водных растворов, используемых на ТЭС

  • Конструкционные материалы

  • Информационные технологии

  • Теплотехнический эксперимент

  • Наноматериалы и нанотехнологии

  • Информационно-налитическая система ТРИПТИХ

    Портал отечественных теплофизиков THERMOPHYSICS.RU

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