Портал THERMOPHYSICS.RUJIHT.RU - ОИВТ РАННациональный комитет по теплофизическим свойствам веществ
Тематика документов на портале охватывает основные разделы теплофизики, включая техническую термодинамику, теплофизические свойства веществ и материалов, тепломассообмен, и т.п. Конкретный выбор ресурсов и сервисов ориентирован на подготовку в российской высшей школе специалистов по теплоэнергетике и теплотехнике и соответствует сложившимся традициям преподавания в МЭИ. Портал разработан в рамках совместной программы «Интеграция фундаментальной науки и высшей школы» с участием ОИВТ РАН и МЭИ и функционирует с 2003 года.


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1. Конференции и семинары2. Новые публикации3. Юбилеи и знаменательные события
1. Учебные планы и программы2. Учебные пособия3. Образовательные ресурсы сети


По всем предметным областям

По данной предметной области :

Техническая термодинамика-(7)

Теплофизические свойства веществ-(30)


Механика жидкостей и газов-(3)

Топливо и его подготовка на ТЭС-(0)

Свойства водных растворов, используемых на ТЭС-(0)

Конструкционные материалы-(4)

Информационные технологии-(2)

Теплотехнический эксперимент-(3)

Наноматериалы и нанотехнологии-(0)

Типы источников информации:


-Документы для дискуссий

-Web ссылки  

-Программы, файлы для загрузки  
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По всем предметным областям


  •   5 том фундаментального справочного издания «Термодинамические свойства индивидуальных веществ. Zn, Cu, Fe, Co, Ni
    На сайте Химического факультета МГУ (www.chem.msu.su) размещен в открытом доступе 5 том фундаментального справочного издания «Термодинамические свойства индивидуальных веществ». Том содержит таблицы численных данных, сопровождающие тексты и библиографию по соединениям элементов Zn, Cu, Fe, Co, Ni гиперссылка www.chem.msu.su/rus/tsiv/

    Тема : Теплофизические свойства веществ

      ASM Materials Information. The Phase Diagram Web

    ASM Materials Information Available Products
    ASM Handbooks
    Alloy Center
    Data Sheets & Diagrams
    Alloy Finder
    Materials Property Data
    Coatings Data
    Corrosion Data
    Micrograph Center

    Тема : Конструкционные материалы

      Calculators On-Line Centre.
    Currently the Calculators On-Line Center contains over "18,470" Calculators .

    Тема : Теплофизические свойства веществ

      Composite Materials Handbook

    Composite Materials Handbook Welcome to the Composite Materials Handbook Website. The site is maintained by the MIL-17 Organization to disseminate information about the organization and to share information on composite materials.

    Тема : Конструкционные материалы

      Data Analysis Briefbook for Engineers and Scientists

    Data Analysis Briefbook for Engineers and Scientists The Data Analysis BriefBook has been prepared by R.K.BOCK and W.KRISCHER
    The Briefbook of Data Analysis, which is produced by staff at CERN, is an extended glossary or condensed handbook which covers the subjects of data analysis and statistics. It is intended to provide either an introduction or reference source for scientists and engineers. The briefbook consists of an index of statistical terms with definition and explanations.

    Тема : Теплотехнический эксперимент

      Electronic Statistics Textbook

    Electronic Statistics Textbook The Electronic Statistics Textbook, produced by StatSoft Inc., offers training in the understanding and application of statistics.Chapters cover: elementary concepts, basic statistics, ANOVA/MANOVA, canonical analysis, classification trees, cluster analysis, correspondence analysis, data mining techniques, discriminant analysis, experimental design, factor analysis, graphical techniques, linear regression, log-linear analysis, multidimensional scaling, neural networks, nonlinear estimation, nonparametrics/distributions, process analysis, quality control charts, reliability/item analysis, SEPATH, survival analysis, time series/forecasting, and variance components. In addition, there is a glossary provided, together with a list of references.

    Тема : Теплотехнический эксперимент

      Kaye and Laby Online

    Kaey and Laby Online 1. Units and fundamental constants
    2. General physics
    3. Chemistry
    4. Atomic and nuclear physics
    5. Miscellaneous engineering data
    6. Statistical methods for the treatment of experimental data
    7. Laboratory safety
    8. Introduction to quality assurance of measurements

    Тема : Теплофизические свойства веществ

      MatWeb: The Free Online Materials Property Database

    MatWeb The heart of MatWeb is a searchable database of material data sheets, including property information on thermoplastic and thermoset polymers such as ABS, nylon, polycarbonate, polyester, polyethylene and polypropylene; metals such as aluminum, cobalt, copper, lead, magnesium, nickel, steel, superalloys, titanium and zinc alloys; ceramics; plus semiconductors, fibers, and other engineering materials. MatWeb is freely available and does not require registration. You can still access all of the features that have always been available. However, advanced features are only available to our Registered and Premium users

    Тема : Конструкционные материалы

      NASA Technical Reports Server

    NASA TRS The NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Programs mission is to collect, archive, and disseminate NASA aerospace information, and locate domestic and international STI pertinent to NASAs missions and Strategic Enterprises. Examples of NASAs STI include research reports, journal articles, conference and meeting papers, technical videos, mission-related operational documents, and preliminary data. NASAs technical information is available via the NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS) is to provide students, educators, and the public access to NASAs technical literature. NTRS also collects scientific and technical information from sites external to NASA to broaden the scope of information available to users. NTRSs Simple Search searches for NASA information only and its Advanced Search can search for NASA and non-NASA information. Most of the NASA information does not have full-text document images and documents can be ordered by contacting the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information.

    Тема : Теплофизические свойства веществ

      Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements, by John W. Arblaster

    Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements, by John W. Arblaster

    ASM International Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002

    A unique and comprehensive review on the crystallographic properties of all of the elements. A general reference book for metallurgists and crystallographers. The book evaluates the crystallographic properties of all of the elements at ambient pressure in order to provide a base line for high pressure studies. The book presents lattice parameters of the elements as a function of temperature. It also provides related properties, for example, thermal expansion coefficients, molar volumes and densities. This book is the first to include this data for all of the elements; it condenses all of the data in to a single volume with special attention given to ensure that the selected values correspond to the latest values of atomic weights and the fundamental constants.

    The author, John Arblaster, spent his career as a metallurgical chemist analysing a wide variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys in a number of commercial laboratories. He first became interested in crystallography in order to solve the dispute over whether osmium or iridium was the densest metal in the room temperature region. He showed, by proper application of up to date input data, that it was in fact osmium. He then produced comprehensive reviews on the crystallographic properties of the six platinum group of metals and has now extended this work to all of the elements.

    Содержание книги и введение

    Тема : Теплофизические свойства веществ

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  • Техническая термодинамика

  • Теплофизические свойства веществ

  • Тепломассобмен

  • Механика жидкостей и газов

  • Топливо и его подготовка на ТЭС

  • Свойства водных растворов, используемых на ТЭС

  • Конструкционные материалы

  • Информационные технологии

  • Теплотехнический эксперимент

  • Наноматериалы и нанотехнологии

  • Информационно-налитическая система ТРИПТИХ

    Портал отечественных теплофизиков THERMOPHYSICS.RU

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