Портал THERMOPHYSICS.RUJIHT.RU - ОИВТ РАННациональный комитет по теплофизическим свойствам веществ
Тематика документов на портале охватывает основные разделы теплофизики, включая техническую термодинамику, теплофизические свойства веществ и материалов, тепломассообмен, и т.п. Конкретный выбор ресурсов и сервисов ориентирован на подготовку в российской высшей школе специалистов по теплоэнергетике и теплотехнике и соответствует сложившимся традициям преподавания в МЭИ. Портал разработан в рамках совместной программы «Интеграция фундаментальной науки и высшей школы» с участием ОИВТ РАН и МЭИ и функционирует с 2003 года.


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Международная ассоциация по свойствам воды и водяного пара  Популярные

IAPWS IAPWS is an international non-profit association of national organizations concerned with the properties of water and steam, particularly thermophysical properties and other aspects of high-temperature steam, water and aqueous mixtures that are relevant to thermal power cycles and other industrial applications.

Тема: Теплофизические свойства веществ
Категория: НАУКА/4.Ресурсы сети
Помещено в: 23/03/2004 Баллы: 5516
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Информационная система по теплоснабжению  Популярные

www.rosteplo.ru Издательство "Новости теплоснабжения", совместно с Межрегиональной Ассоциацией Энергонадзора и Некоммерческим Партнерством "Российское теплоснабжение" создали информационную систему по теплоснабжению www.rosteplo.ru, предназначенную для оказания практической помощи (справочной, консультационной, коммерческой) лицам и организациям, занятым в сфере теплоснабжения. Система содержит постоянно пополняющийся объем информации (технической, учебно-методической, правовой, рекламной), охватывающей все стадии процесса теплоснабжения (от разработки энергоэффективных технологий, оборудования, материалов до производства и потребления тепловой энергии, включая вопросы охраны окружающей среды), и предоставляет массу возможностей для пользователей. Доступ ко всем материалам свободный. В течение месяца сайт посещают несколько тысяч специалистов. Информация научно-технического характера (статьи, сборники трудов, монографии, справочники, учебные и методические пособия и т.п.) размещаются на сайте бесплатно.

Тема: Топливо и его подготовка на ТЭС
Категория: НАУКА/4.Ресурсы сети
Помещено в: 26/04/2004 Баллы: 7007
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Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics  Популярные
Примечание: Von Karman Institute in Belgium was established 1956 for the training and research in aerodynamics of young scientists and engineers of the Nato nations. It is organised in three main departments : Aeronautics and Aerospace Department, Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics Department and the Turbomachinery Department. The Web site describes the educational programs and publications available, research carried out by staff and students within the different departments and provides links to other sites including an extensive CFD (computational fluid dynamics) resource section.
Тема: Механика жидкостей и газов
Категория: НАУКА/4.Ресурсы сети
Помещено в: 15/12/2003 Баллы: 5199
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Turbulence links around the WWW 
Примечание: This site provides access to information on the World Wide Web in the broad area of turbulence. It provides links to research sites, full text articles, and images. The particular areas covered include: generic turbulence sites; direct numerical simulation; large eddy simulation; boundary free shear flows (jets, wakes, shear/mixing layers); wall bounded shear flows (boundary layers, pipe/channel flow); plasma turbulence; combustion; turbulent heat transfer; metal casting; atmospheric, oceanographic and planetary turbulence; astrophysical turbulence; biological flows; chaos and turbulence; simulation results; courses/workshops; and miscellaneous sites.
Тема: Механика жидкостей и газов
Категория: НАУКА/4.Ресурсы сети
Помещено в: 15/12/2003 Баллы: 3562
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Thermo-Fluid Mechanics Research at the University of Sussex 
Примечание: The Thermo-Fluid Mechanics Research Centre in the School of Engineering is a dedicated research center specialising in the areas of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and engine component design. The TFMRC pages provide a list of staff and contact details, areas of expertise, current research programmes (involving high pressure compressor drive cone; turbine rim sealing; compressor rotating cavities; compressor stator wells; centrifugal compressor design and testing; heat transfer instrumentation; gas turbine coolant pre-swirl systems; medical ventilators; catalytic converters), a list of recent publications, with summaries, and links to sites of related interest.
Тема: Тепломассобмен
Категория: НАУКА/4.Ресурсы сети
Помещено в: 15/12/2003 Баллы: 3656
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Thermal Connection: resource centre for thermal engineers, designers and analysts 
Примечание: The Thermal Connection server provides a variety of resources, including thermal FAQs, shareware and public domain CFD codes, free engineering software (courtesy of R.C. Costello & Associates),teaching resources for thermal physics, demonstrations featuring properties of heat and matter, and other heat experiments and activities. In addition, it provides access to a Thermal Data page which contains thermophysical data, surface finish, units conversions, physical constants, and a miscellaneous section. The thermophysical data includes a material property database, databases of solid materials, and liquids and gases, and data on nickel titanium (shape memory alloy).
Тема: Тепломассобмен
Категория: НАУКА/4.Ресурсы сети
Помещено в: 15/12/2003 Баллы: 3834
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Rheology Home Page 
Примечание: This site is an information centre for resources on rheology and thermal analysis, and is provided by Bohlin Instruments. Listed are details of seminars, courses, and workshops on rheology, along with product information on rheometers, viscometers, and thermal analysis from Bohlin Instruments.
Тема: Механика жидкостей и газов
Категория: НАУКА/4.Ресурсы сети
Помещено в: 15/12/2003 Баллы: 4257
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Multiphase Flow Research in Europe 
Примечание: This page is being developed as a 'virtual gateway' to multiphase flow research currently being undertaken in Europe. The site provides information on the project, hosted by the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Nottingham, and the opportunity to submit research to the site. The general sections under which research groups are listed include: gas-liquid flow, liquid-liquid flow, general fluid-fluid flow, fluid-solid flows, supercritical conditions, more than two phases, and operational data/experience. Each section is further subdivided. Title, description, contact details, publications (if any) and a cross-reference option are provided for each entry.
Тема: Механика жидкостей и газов
Категория: НАУКА/4.Ресурсы сети
Помещено в: 15/12/2003 Баллы: 3534
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International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer 
Примечание: The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT) is an international, professional, non-governmental, non-profit organization which had its beginnings in the late 1960s . The general objective of the Centre is to promote and to foster international cooperation in the science of heat and mass transfer and its applications. The traditional activities of the ICHMT are the International Symposia and Seminars, major international meetings organized by the Centre and details of all 52 organised since 1968 are given on the web site including information as to how to obtain copies of papers from the 30 published Proceedings. Abstracts of papers of recent meetings are available on the web pages as are details about the organization and secretariat (which moved from Yugoslavia to the Middle East Technical University at Ankara, Turkey in 1992).
Тема: Тепломассобмен
Категория: НАУКА/4.Ресурсы сети
Помещено в: 15/12/2003 Баллы: 4579
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Hot List: Internet Thermal Engineering Resources 
Примечание: The HotList is a geographical list of specialized Internet pointers relevant to thermal engineering and related fields including (indicative list): heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation); combustion and relevant chemical kinetics; thermal equipment (heat exchangers, furnaces, boilers, etc); thermal pollution; and thermodynamics, etc. The Hot List site is divided into European academic sites, American academic sites, Asian and Oceanian academic sites, and commercial sites. In addition, selected links to closely-related fields which are well covered elsewhere are offered; these include energy and environment; fluid dynamics and CFD; and numerical methods (PDE). Pointers to forthcoming conference lists are given, together with a range of general sites (including societies, journals, etc.), and wider technical lists.
Тема: Тепломассобмен
Категория: НАУКА/4.Ресурсы сети
Помещено в: 15/12/2003 Баллы: 4104
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    Портал отечественных теплофизиков THERMOPHYSICS.RU

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