Temperature is a measure of hotness and can be related to the kinetic energy of molecules of a
substance. A number of physical phenomena can be used for measuring the temperature of an object. An
instrument used for measuring temperature is called a thermometer and is constructed by using one of
the following principles:
All thermometers require a scale. This scale should be defined by easily repeatable circumstances or
fundamental properties. For instance the Centigrade scale has been defined from the melting (0 C) and
boiling (100 C) points of pure water at atmospheric pressure. For temperature the following units can be
C, K, F.
where symbol C is for Centigrade (or Celsius), K for kelvin and F for Fahrenheit. If the temperature is c on
the Centigrade (or Celsius) scale, then the absolute temperature on the kelvin scale will be:
the Fahrenheit scale will show:
1.8 c+32
There is also another temperature scale, called Rankine (symbol R). If the temperature is f on the
Fahrenheit scale, the Rankine scale will show:
Absolute temperature or thermodynamic temperature (degree kelvin, K) is a fundamental dimension. It can be related to the energy possessed by matter and is an SI base unit.