СПРАВОЧНЫЕ ИЗДАНИЯ И БАЗЫ ДАННЫХ Справочники. Базы данных. Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements, by John W. Arblaster
Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of
Elements, by John W. Arblaster
ASM International
Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002
A unique and comprehensive review on the crystallographic properties of all of the elements. A general reference book for metallurgists and crystallographers. The book evaluates the crystallographic properties of all of the elements at ambient pressure in order to provide a base line for high pressure studies. The book presents lattice parameters of the elements as a function of temperature. It also provides related properties, for example, thermal expansion coefficients, molar volumes and densities. This book is the first to include this data for all of the elements; it condenses all of the data in to a single volume with special attention given to ensure that the selected values correspond to the latest values of atomic weights and the fundamental constants.
The author, John Arblaster, spent his career as a metallurgical chemist analysing a wide variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys in a number of commercial laboratories. He first became interested in crystallography in order to solve the dispute over whether osmium or iridium was the densest metal in the room temperature region. He showed, by proper application of up to date input data, that it was in fact osmium. He then produced comprehensive reviews on the crystallographic properties of the six platinum group of metals and has now extended this work to all of the elements.
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Дата публикации: 2019-10-17 (2473 Прочтено) Остальные материалы раздела СПРАВОЧНЫЕ ИЗДАНИЯ И БАЗЫ ДАННЫХ
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